
Rs.160.00You Save 39%


About The Product

Broccoli is essentially a large edible flower. The stalks and flower florets are eaten both raw and cooked and have a flavor reminiscent of cabbage. It has a pleasant taste.


Contains Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Carotinoids, Vitamin B6, Potassium.Vitamin A- Good for eyes. Vitamin C- Improves immunity, skin and hair health. Potassium- helps improving digestive system.

Nutritional Facts

Raw broccoli contains almost 90% water, 7?rbs, 3% protein, and almost no fat. Broccoli is very low in calories, providing only 31 calories per cup (91 grams).


To maintain freshness, wrap in cling foil and store in the vegetable crisper of the refrigerator.